Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Key Figure 6a
Key Figure 6b
Key Figure 6c
Key Figure 6d
Key Figure 6e

Key Figure 6a

1. Transverse process, fifth lumbar vertebra
2. Sacral promontory
3. Greater sciatic foramen
4. Sacrotuberous ligament
5. Sacrospinous ligament
6. Lesser sciatic foramen
7 True pelvis
8. Femoral head
9. Inguinal ligament
10. Pubis
11. Pubic symphysis
12. Ascending colon
13. Right ureter
14. Vermiform appendix
15. Cecum
16. Rectum
17. Tenia coli
18. Round ligament (ligamentum teres) of uterus
19. Uterus
20. Vesicouterine pouch
21. Urinary bladder
22. Sigmoid colon
23. Suspensory ligament of ovary
24. Fimbria of uterine tube
25. Ovary
26. Uterine tube
27. Rectouterine pouch and fold
28. Superficial fascia

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